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Description of experience

      Humanization, democratization of education, reorientation of school education from the informational and reproductive process to the formation of the student's main creative abilities - competences require a change in approaches to the assessment of schoolchildren's educational achievements, which should be based on a positive principle, and not on the degree of its failures.

The object of assessment of students' educational achievements is knowledge, abilities and skills, experience of creative activity of students, experience of emotional and value attitude to the surrounding reality. The main functions of assessment: controlling, educational, diagnostic-corrective, stimulating-motivational, educational. However, assessment has educational power only under the condition that it is harmoniously combined with the inner spiritual world of the child. Therefore, assessment becomes a tool of education in the hands of the teacher, if it awakens the child's desire to learn and supports, nourishes it, and does not punish for failures or unwillingness to work.

      The grade is not a criterion or a defining measure of a child: he has good results, he is a good student, he is mediocre if it has low indicators, then it is already classified as hopeless. With such an approach, personality is lost. It is necessary to remember that a student is not a mechanism for constant memorization and reproduction of the sum of the most diverse knowledge. After all, it is necessary not only to remember them, to keep them in memory, but also to respond to the teacher's request and, having received an assessment, it is easy to get rid of them and prepare again to receive new and new portions of knowledge.

    Checking  students' knowledge, abilities and skills is one of the important structural elements of each lesson and the entire learning process as a whole. It is always in the area of special attention of the teacher, it shows the results of the study. A good teacher does not start studying a new material until he is convinced that all students have fully understood and assimilated what he has learned. For a schoolchild, the examination of his knowledge and skills is often a source of deep feelings - he feels satisfied with his work, is proud of receiving a high grade, or, on the contrary, loses faith in his abilities, and sometimes loses interest in learning.

    Knowing and understanding the didactic functions of the knowledge test allows me to build the test competently, with little time and effort, and achieve the desired goal. In order to control the knowledge, abilities and skills of the students provided by the program, corresponding to this stage of education, I use the following forms in my work:

frontal oral examination of students' knowledge;

individual oral examination of students' knowledge;

frontal written test of knowledge;

individual written test of knowledge;

checking homework - oral and written;

verification  of readiness to perform various types of work (independent, test, with didactic material, etc.);

checking readiness to learn new material.

    I see the educational function of knowledge testing in the improvement of knowledge, its systematization, in the development of language and thinking, attention and memory of schoolchildren. When offering students a question, I pay attention to the following stages through which it goes:

verification of the very fact of knowledge or ignorance;

comprehension check;

clarification of the cause of misunderstanding;

elimination of the cause of misunderstanding;

application of acquired knowledge.

    The diagnostic-corrective function improves the management of the learning process. This gives me the opportunity to see the class as a whole and each student in particular, the ratio of knowledge - ignorance, understanding - misunderstanding of the studied material. Additional tasks, work in pairs, in groups, work on didactic material help correct gaps in the knowledge of individual students.

    The stimulating and motivating function contributes to the development of a positive attitude towards school, expands the interests of schoolchildren, increases mental and general activity, helps the child to realize himself as a person, develops special abilities, promotes self-determination, forms a worldview, evaluates opportunities in choosing a future profession.

    I am convinced that the educational function of knowledge testing is implemented in the cultivation of a sense of responsibility, diligence, discipline, in the formation of such qualities as honesty, truthfulness, perseverance, mutual assistance.

    When implementing the educational function of checking students' knowledge, I first of all clarify the assimilation of new knowledge immediately  after their explanation. For example, in the topic "Aggravation of relations between Soviet Russia and the Ukrainian People's Republic in November - December 1917" (history of Ukraine, 10th grade), after the story I ask a problematic question: Why did the Bolsheviks, after coming to power, not refuse the elections to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly? This encourages students to think about the studied material, rather than simply memorizing it. Working with a historical map or document also gives an idea of the level of assimilation of the material. On the topic "Peace Treaty in Brest-Litovsk" (history of Ukraine, 10th grade) when working with the map, you can ask the following question: What does the scale of the Austro-German offensive show when looking at the map of the atlas "The First War of Soviet Russia with the Ukrainian People's Republic"?

    "Brainstorming" is an effective form of working on concept formation. For example, when studying the topic "Culture in Ancient Egypt" (6th grade), I give the children the task: Define the concept of "culture". The result of the work will be the formulation of the definition, which should be written in the notebook: Culture is a set of material and spiritual values created by human society. Manifestations of culture are writing, science, education, literature, architecture, art, music, theater.

     У 5 класі,  з метою активізації опорних знань і їх перевірки проводжу “історичну skirmish" - students alternately name terms from the studied topic. At the same time, it is important that they are not repeated and that the level of student participation in the work is taken into account. This forms the categorical and lexical apparatus  of a student who begins to study the subject. For this purpose, students keep a dictionary of historical terms in the notebook .

At this stage of the examination, I not only practice the knowledge of schoolchildren, but also teach them the ability to highlight the essential, most importantly, the ability to "sort" the material in what they have learned. For example, when studying the historical figure of Volodymyr Monomakh, after the teacher's story, the historical document of Vasyl Tatishchev is studied. I ask the following questions: What, in your opinion, are the character traits of a prince as a statesman, commander, diplomat? And then I give independent work according to the task: to determine the character traits of Prince Volodymyr Monomakh by appearance, to characterize (at the same time, his portrait is shown). After this work, I ask the students a question: Why did the people of Kyiv invite Volodymyr Monomakh to the reign? Next comes the teacher's explanation of the "Statute of Volodymyr Monomakh". For better assimilation of the presented material, I suggest making a table.

Statute  of Volodymyr Monomakh

Who was it about?

What predicted

      In order to consolidate and repeat the studied material, I am conducting a discussion on the problematic question: Can you prove the fairness of Prince Volodymyr Monomakha's assessment_de5c90985 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ as an outstanding commander and statesman of his time?

      Very often, in order to check the understanding of the presented material, I suggest talking about one question. At the same time, along with the controlling function, the educational function is also implemented, since when answering, children learn to logically and consistently express their thoughts, prove and justify what was said, and apply previously acquired knowledge and skills. Depending on the purpose of the story set by the teacher, students will construct their answer in different ways. For example, the task "Tell about the personality of Volodymyr Monomakh" will require a seventh-grader to describe the figure, elements of the biography from his life, and the time of his reign. The question "Characterize the domestic and foreign policy of Volodymyr Monomakh" will force the student to build an answer differently, based directly on his activities.

      The test plays a stimulating role, if it is carried out regularly, it shows students the advantages and disadvantages of their knowledge: it is carried out in every lesson class are obliged to listen to a classmate called to the blackboard and express their comments on his answer. The incentive of educational work is its fair assessment.

      Oral testing of knowledge, skills and abilities is the main form of activating students' basic knowledge in history lessons. This is due to its main advantage compared to other forms - direct contact between the student and the teacher in the dialogue process. The teacher  follows the development of the student's thinking, corrects knowledge in a timely manner, removes all doubts regarding the state of the student's knowledge, corrects language errors, teaches how to build a story logically and competently, and use terminology correctly. Oral examination of knowledge, abilities, and skills allows the most complete implementation of the educational function of examination, gives the teacher a great opportunity to get to know the student and his individual characteristics.

      In addition to the content of the educational material, the method to be tested, the teacher must determine the form of the test, its place in the lesson, and its relationship with other ; to regulate the frequency of checking the knowledge of individual students. It is also necessary to think of ways of organizing the active activities of all students of the class, while creating a business-like, friendly and calm atmosphere in the lesson.

During the frontal oral examination, the state of knowledge of the students of the entire class on a specific question or group of questions is checked in a short time. I use the frontal oral examination in my work to find out the readiness of the class to start studying new material, to determine the formation of concepts, to check homework, for a step-by-step or final check of the educational material that has just been analyzed in class. The goal I set when organizing the frontal check determines its place in the lesson, and the volume, depth and completeness of the material - the time allotted for the check. For example, before studying the new material "Turkish-Tatar attacks on Ukraine and their consequences" (history of Ukraine, 8th grade), I conduct a frontal  conversation based on questions and tasks:

1. When and how did the Crimean Khanate arise?

2. To whom did it fall into vassal dependence?

3. What are uluses?

4. Name the main occupation of the Tatars?

5. What is yasir?

6. Using the atlas map "Zaporozhsk Sich in the 16th - the first half of the 17th centuries", name the hordes - tribal associations of Tatars.

7. Find the largest slave trade centers on the map.

      When checking homework on the topic "Absolute Monarchy in France" (world history), I give one 8 tasks of the students to reproduce the table "Civil Wars in France" on the board, at this time I conduct a frontal survey in the class on the following questions:

1. What features of absolute monarchy manifested  in France in the 17th century?

2. How did industry and trade develop in France in the 17th century?

3. What strata and why were they interested in establishing the unlimited power of the king?

4. How did the Reformation spread in France?

5. What are the causes of religious wars and what caused them to start?

      When consolidating the studied material, as well as when summarizing and repeating, I also use frontal oral examination. For example, in the sixth grade, when studying the topic "History of Troy and Mycenaean Greece", you can conduct a conversation based on the following questions:

Name and show on the map the centers of the first state entities in Greece.

How was the probability of the existence of Troy confirmed?

Whose fate does the life story of H. Schlieman remind you of? How are they similar?

Tell us about the Mycenaean civilization.

How did the resettlement of the Dorians affect the development of Greece?

      Give a brief description of the Homeric period of the history of Ancient Greece.

When conducting a frontal oral examination, students can be involved in asking questions and checking the correctness of answers. Why this can be done both in the whole class and when working in pairs: "Game in pairs". The essence of this game is that the student asks another question, and the one who answers asks the next one. This form of work teaches you to ask questions correctly, to know the answer to them. "Pair game" is good as a conclusion, consolidation for the lesson. It is conducted on the topic of the lesson. It can be used to activate students' basic knowledge.

In addition to frontal knowledge verification, an individual form of verification is widely used. The individual oral form of the test allows you to reveal the correctness of the answer in terms of content, its consistency, completeness and depth, the independence of judgments and conclusions, the language culture of students. This form is used for current and thematic accounting. Its content is educational material, which students must present in the form  of a detailed story using evidence, conclusions, and analysis of the considered facts. For example, most often homework is checked based on the questions and tasks defined in the textbook, or based on the teacher's questions and tasks. At the same time, I first announce the purpose of testing their knowledge and ask the first question; I pause so that each student in the class focuses on the question, since it is not known who will be called to answer. Then I call the student to the board to answer, and to the class (while the called  goes to the board) I ask the following question for an individual answer. While the class is thinking about the answer to the new question  I clarify the details regarding the answer of the first student. Then a second student is called to the board, and the class is asked a third question, etc. (You can announce all the questions at once). A student at the blackboard prepares to answer. The preparation consists in thinking about the plan of the answer, its design, selecting appropriate tables, diagrams, a historical map, using a blackboard. At the same time, I indicate what should be paid attention to. As a result, students don't just listen to a friend's answer, but analyze it, compare it with their understanding of the given educational material, and "tune in" to the task. for example, you can set the following tasks:

  • Listen to the answer, make comments and additions;

  • Listen to the answer and give a review on it;

  • Listen to the answer and comment on the persuasiveness of the evidence in the course of thinking;

  • Express the independence of the given examples;

  • Evaluate the answer, justify the evaluation;

  • Express your opinion about the response plan, propose your own, justify it;

  • Listen to the answer, ask questions to check understanding.

In school practice, there are situations when it is undesirable for the whole class to listen to an individual answer: when a "weak" student answers, or a child has a speech defect. In this case, it is better to listen to the answer yourself, giving the task to the class for this time.

In practice, in addition to the oral control of knowledge, I also use a written test of knowledge, abilities and skills, both individual and group, as well as face-to-face. This is work on drawing up schemes, tables, diagrams, chronological periods, drawing up and solving crosswords, working with a contour map, drawing up narrative plans, establishing the correspondence of dates and events, drawing up a plan of a historical portrait, "Diary of double notes"_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ (divide the notebook in half vertically, one column is positive, the second is negative), historical  dictations, taking tests, preparing historical reports, abstracts, etc.

For example, when studying the topic in the 8th grade on the history of Ukraine "Right-bank and Left-bank Ukraine in the 60-80s of the 17th century", consolidation of new material is carried out by testing. Students give an affirmative or negative answer to statements such as:

  • P. Doroshenko became hetman of Right Bank Ukraine after P. Teteri.

  • The Buchatsky peace was concluded between Turkey and Russia.

  • Yu. Khmelnytsky first became hetman in 1677, etc.

When working on the formation of historical concepts, the definition of concepts is formed in the course of collective work. I give the students the task: to specify the concepts according to the given definitions.

Example. The main manager of the princely court, the boyar is ... ; the collector of rent, tribute for the prince is ...; the manager of the princely house is ... . You can also give the task of finding and correcting errors in the definitions.

    Example. Smerd is a peasant who concluded a contract with the boyar on temporary work for him; a serf is a peasant who owned land and paid tribute to the prince.

Graphic dictation is an interesting form of work. When studying the topic "Natural conditions of Italy and the emergence of the city of Rome" (6th grade), you can conduct such a dictation to consolidate new knowledge. Among the proposed statements are correct and false. Students mark the correct statement with a "+" sign, and the incorrect statement with a "-".


1. Italy is located on the Balkan Peninsula.

2. Naturally, the climatic conditions of Italy did not contribute to the development of seafaring.

3. According to legend, the year of the foundation of Rome is considered to be 753 BC.

4. The founder of Rome was Numa Pompilius.

5. Patricians are descendants of the most noble families.

      Evaluation of the educational achievements of students in individual sections is carried out in writing at 4 levels. At level 1, I suggest that students choose the correct answer option, one of the two offered. This level is based on direct memorization of certain knowledge and skills required by the program. Their implementation relies mainly on memory, a reproductive type of tasks is used. At the 2nd level, the tasks become more difficult: arrange in chronological order, establish correspondence, fill in the scheme, find commonalities in certain concepts. This level involves knowledge and understanding of theoretical material, concepts, facts, etc. The performance of these tasks is possible not only on the basis of memory, but also on the basis of comprehension. The 3rd level of tasks involves deep meaningful activity, reproduction, recognition, comparison, comparison, analysis. Here are the questions: why?, what is the role of ...?, what is it connected with ...?, how, in your opinion ...?, name the reasons ... . Level 4 requires a creative approach, justification of the answer, expression of one's own opinion. For example, on the topic "Roman Republic" (6th grade) at 4 levels of difficulty, I give the task of writing a short story on behalf of a Roman warrior (II century BC) about his life.

    The problem of checking students' knowledge, abilities and skills is multifaceted and broad. The given examples of forms of work interest students, diversify their activities, and therefore form a positive attitude to learning. Assessment is an important stage of controlling students' knowledge. V.O. Sukhomlynsky advises to be especially careful when evaluating learning outcomes. He gives the following advice:

  • Let there be few grades, but let them be more weighty. The evaluation should cover the student's work over a certain period of time and include evaluation of several types of it.

  • Unsatisfactory grades should never be given if the student could not master the knowledge due to one or another circumstances.

  • In general, do not give any grades if the students' knowledge is not accurate, not complete, and there are some ambiguities in the understanding of the things and phenomena being studied. It is necessary first to ensure that students know.

  • It is necessary to avoid questions, the answers to which would exactly repeat what was taught by the teacher or learned from a book.

    Convinced, control and assessment of students' educational achievements should not stand out from the whole pedagogical process as something separate, but should act as its integral organic component._cc78cde1905- -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

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