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Management of the educational institution at the modern stage

       Докорінне реформування освітньої системи, шляхи якого вказані у Національній доктрині розвитку освіти України у 21st century, inextricably linked to the optimization of the education management system at the national, regional and local levels. Reforming the management of education involves the creation of a holistic system that would be characterized by flexibility, democracy, mobility, the ability to self-organize, close cooperation of state administration bodies with education at all levels, educational institutions, scientific institutions, and public self-government.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  When organizing the educational process in our educational institution, we try to program both intellectual and spiritual development of the child.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Currently, there are 542 students studying at the Kolkiv National Technical University. In the lyceum classes of our institution, we provide education according to two profiles: philological and mathematical. And since last year, a class with enhanced physical training has been opened.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The organization of school management, its improvement and the search for an optimal system of cooperation, on the one hand, is a requirement of time, the need to reform the modern educational reality, on the other hand, it is an objective need to form of a single team with certain connections between people arising from the distribution of powers and the consolidation of specific functions of their joint activity. So, to ensure   the activity of the school as a dynamic and multifaceted system, we have developed a model of the institution's management system.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  We  are moving from an administrative form of management to a public-state one. For this  we change the form, style and management methods. Collegial governing bodies such as the Pedagogical Council, the Lyceum School Council, the Parents' Committee, and the Student Council exert an important influence on the organization of the educational process and the selection of the content of education in our institution.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  In general school management, several levels of linear management can be distinguished, which act as a complete system. The highest level of this system is provided by the director. My responsibilities  include ensuring the selection and  staffing, internal control, providing assistance to the student body, analyzing activities and reporting on the work of the educational institution.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The second level of management is carried out by deputy directors who implement management decisions.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The third level of management is implemented by teachers, educators, class leaders, methodological associations, public organizations. The teacher occupies a central place in the management system, since he is the closest to the students and through his work the management decisions of the school director are implemented.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The fourth level of management is the student body.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  All elements of the hierarchical levels of intra-school management are in close interaction, influencing teachers, students, parents, society.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  In the implementation of the main management functions - pedagogical analysis, planning, control and regulation - a special place is assigned to deputy directors.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  I consider the implementation of personnel policy to be another important management function. I pay special  attention to personnel selection. 62 teachers work in our  teaching staff, 90% of them have higher education. 70% of teachers are school graduates.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  NVK teachers are active participants in all competitions and exhibitions. Every year, school teachers  present materials for the exhibition "Creative steps of Volyn teachers", participate in the "Teacher of the Year" competition.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The school is working on the introduction of innovative teaching and education technologies. And therefore methodical work with the pedagogic team is conducted using new forms and methods.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  As a result, in 2006, our lyceum school became the laureate of the All-Ukrainian competition "100 best schools of Ukraine". And in 2011, our educational institution was recognized as a laureate of the annual national public event "Flagships of Education and Science of Ukraine".

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The main goal at the current stage is the creation of conditions for the development  and self-realization of each individual as a citizen of Ukraine. This task prompts the search for new  pedagogical technologies, the creation of such a pedagogical environment that would give every student the opportunity to reveal the creative potential inherent in him and to develop the ability to be successful in life.

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  For this purpose, the NVK, first of all, has created appropriate framework conditions:

  • training takes place in one shift;

  •  the cabinet system is in effect;

  • a separate building is equipped for younger students, which we call the "School of Joy";

  • all the necessary conditions are created for students: light, heat, and hygiene regimes are observed;

  • the canteen, gym, gym, sports complex at the school and the village stadium are working properly;

  • for students from the surrounding villages, there is a boarding school with three meals a day.

    Today, it is almost impossible to solve all issues  of the life of the institution without close cooperation between the regional education department, the district department and the school. Power structures do not stand aside from school affairs: the regional state administration and the regional council. The material base of the lyceum school is strengthened thanks to the support of the district council and the district state administration. Over the course of 5 years, the heating circuit was replaced, the roof over the workshop was made, the rooms of classes 1-4 were lined with metal profiles, boilers were replaced, the dining room was overhauled, the furniture: desks and walls were updated, a library was opened in the new equipped room , a computer class and educational equipment for a chemical cabinet were received by targeted referral, a school bus was purchased.

    I must say that we do not only rely on funds from the state or sponsors, but also try to earn money ourselves: over the past 5 years, students, teachers, school employees have planted more 221 hectares of forest, we collect scrap metal, waste paper. Parents also help with funds, village enterprises and entrepreneurs provide sponsorship.

Although financial and economic activity is important, the main goal of the school-lyceum is the process of personality formation, its harmonious development. For this purpose, we have 30 circles of various directions: sections of the small Academy of Sciences, branches of two sports schools, the Center for Tourism and Excursions, the District Center for Creativity of Children and Youth. From 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., the school lives a second life - this is a rather important part of the activity of our institution. After all, educational work is an integral part of the entire educational system. Evenings, festivals, exhibitions, sports and tourist competitions, contests, meetings with interesting  people, excursions around Volyn and Ukraine are designed to take children off the street, help everyone find themselves, reveal their talent.

    To lead means  to lead others to success - such words are probably the motto of every manager's work. In our NEC, we implement the project "Gifted Children". What successes have our pupils achieved? We have winners of subject Olympiads at the district and regional level, participants of All-Ukrainian competitions, and prize-winners of defense contests of the Small Academy of Sciences. Our students participate and win in various competitions of amateur artistic activities, fine arts, successfully perform in sports competitions.

      So, summarizing everything, it can be noted that in the conditions of our country's entry into market relations, the goals and tasks of management naturally change educational institution. We realize that children are more talented and smarter, the more opportunities we give them to be talented and smarter. And that's why we are making all  efforts to build a decent future for our country.

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